Installation of the Symplicy form on your LinkedIn profile

Collect even more quality leads from your LinkedIn profile with the Symplicy form.

How it works

LinkedIn allows you to place a custom link on your profile.

This custom link redirects to a Symplicy contact form.

Example with Me David Blondeel’s profile on LinkedIn. He has placed the link “Consult me via the firm’s AI” :

Linkedin Biography

How do I place a custom link on my profile?

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  2. Go to your profile.
  3. On your profile, there is a pencil underneath your cover photo. Click on this pencil.
  4. A form appears. In the form, go to the section: Website.
  5. In this section, enter the link that redirects to your Symplicy form. This link was emailed to you at the time of your account creation. This is your classic link.
  6. In this section, in the “Link text” field, enter your text that will appear on your profile. You can write “Contact me”, for example.
  7. To save your changes, click on the button: Save.
  8. Go back to your profile to check that the link placement was successful.